Avoiding the Pitfalls of Holding a Board Meeting Online

With the pandemic forcing companies to adapt their work practices remote work, virtual board meetings seem to be here to stay. The flexibility of a digital meeting permits attendees to be able to participate without having be concerned about travel restrictions or quarantine periods and can also help reduce expenses from hotels and flights.

Online meetings are simple to set up and they’ve become more common in mission-driven organizations who are looking to maintain their communication despite the COVID-19 Crisis. It is see this site itcounts.org.uk/virtual-data-rooms-as-one-of-the-most-effective-tools/ important to be aware of the pitfalls of digital meetings to avoid them and ensure that your online board meetings are most effective.

The most important factor to consider is the software platform you choose for your hybrid or virtual board meetings. Select a platform that has an Attendance Room function to shield your meeting from attendees who are not authorized and only allow attendees who are invited by your meeting’s co-host or host. Provide training to your board members so that they can become familiar with the technology.

Encourage your board members, to make use of a headset or speakerphone for the duration of the meetings. Also encourage them to clear and organize their home office to appear camera-ready. Take away personal photos and other distracting objects. Also, remind them to sit in a chair and not sitting on the bed or their couch to help to appear more professional and professional at the time of the meeting. Also, encourage them to speak up at the beginning of the meeting so that everyone can be able to hear them and begin the meeting with a positive attitude.

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